Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Give Thanks! The remaining days…

Day 15 I am thankful for my church family. Love having a common bond with people that I enjoy being around and doing fun things with!

Davis: for my playroom. My favorite is to play trucks. Fire trucks!”

Day 16 I am thankful for our vehicles. They are not brand new and aren’t the fanciest cars on the road, but they get us from here to there safely. It is so nice to not have a car payment as well!

Davis: “for Andrew and Mitchell!” they go get my big ball down the hill and play outside with me!”

Day 17 “I am thankful to have a PRN SLP position. They allow me to work when I have childcare and need to get away for a minute! It is so nice having a skill that allows me to stay at home with D and yet make great money when I want to work!”

Davis: “for my snacks! I love eating fruit snacks with mommy on the couch!”

Day 18 I am thankful for video monitors! One of my favorite baby items that has defintely been worth the money. Love having peace of mind while I am not with my child! Davis has gotten to where he says mommy watch me on the monitor!

Davis: “for my fredrick. he watches me sleep and sees Hoho at night!”

Day 19 I am thankful for medicine. Although you cannot take much while pregnant there are some and they have helped me recover from this awful mess we have gotten!

Davis: “for fire engines! they put out fires all over the place!”

Day 20 I am thankful for neighbors! Our neighborhood circle is the best! If I ever need anything, because “we live so far out” they stock me up.

Davis: “for emmy-o. she will play trucks with me, and I will let her hold blanks!

Day 21 I am thankful for my education. I may not be using it everyday to make money, but it comes in handy with my two year old! What a blessing to have knowledge that I can share with others so they can get better!

Davis: “for my ambulance! it takes sick babies to the hospital to the doctors and nurses!”

Day 22 I am thankful for a comfortable bed! You know there is NO place like home or like your bed!!

Davis: “for my trampoline (his neighbors!) I love to jump and act like a puppy on it!

Day 23 I am thankful for the WORD. Blessed to own several and be able to read and study whenever I want to! Nothing like a good verse, chapter or book to keep me grounded!

Davis: “for my pad (the ipad!) I like to do puzzles and watch monster trucks on it!

Day 24 I am thankful for my entire family. For those that have already left their earthly bodies and for those still with us, memories with them will be cherished in my heart forever! 

Davis: “my games. I like playing hospital (operation), fishing and finding shapes with the duckies!”

Day 25 I am thankful for computers that kept me warm and toasty while I did my black Friday shopping in the comfort of my own home instead of standing in ridiculous long lines!

Davis: “for the movies! I love eating sour candy, popcorn and drinking coke ices!”

Day 26 I am thankful for sleep. It allows me to charge my battery so I am ready to tackle whatever my two year old has up his sleeve!

Davis: “for airplanes. Bubba and Stephanie ride in airplanes to see me!”

Day 27 I am thankful for lazy family days! I love spending time with my boys and cherish every moment we have to make memories! The best are made when you least expect it!

Davis: “for my pups and blanks (the items he sleeps with). they just need me and miss me!”

Day 28 I am thankful for mommies I have met here in Milan and Louisville that have taught, encouraged and laughed and cried with me through motherhood. Such a journey and loads of FUN!

Davis: “for playgroup!”

Day 29 I am thankful for crockpots! They help a busy momma out when she runs out of time on a crazy day!

Davis: “ for Blues shop! he fixed my jeep all up!”

Day 30 I am thankful for my Bible Study girls! We have grown so close and we can now say we know the book of Esther! Thanks for the tears, laughs and memories!

Davis: “for snow! it is cold and I like throwing snow at my mommy!”


I hope the month of November has caused all of us to think of things we are thankful for and truly take a minute to say thanks! I know I am so blessed and I try to thank God for the many wonderful things he is doing, has done and will do in my life. Happy NOVEMBER!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


It snowed yesterday and Davis and I had some fun snow adventures while the snow was falling! Davis very much enjoyed throwing snow at me and kept singing “mommy it’s snowing, it’s snowing!” I let him play until it was dark and I was about to freeze and then we came in our warm house to color until Daddy got home! What fun memories! Notice the trend in the majority of the pictures…him throwing snow at ME!

all bundled up and ready to play!

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Making snow prints!!!

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He continued to load up his arms with snow, “make a snowball” and throw it at me and Emmy-O, aka my belly!

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Before we left for the OB today I captured a few more snow shots! He LOVES the snow! He would say, “ mommy look it is on our house, and on our grass!”

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walking out to the snow
walking in the snow filled yard


Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Turkey DAY! (all week long!)

Aunt Laura reading books to Davis…one of his favorite things these days!

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Playing trucks with Laura! Not sure how many times he said it, but his coin phrase this week was, “_____ play trucks with me!”

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Bass Pro was so much fun! They had so many games, crafts and color pages set up for the kids and Davis enjoyed each and every activity! His favorite had to be driving the huge monster truck!

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What a disaster! He was so prepared and excited until…we walked inside of Santa’s home! He lost his mind! He said No, no, no!!! At the top of his lungs and kept saying mommy all done, let’s go home now. Let’s leave please!” Needless to say this is how our photo shoot with Santa went down…hahaha! Pretty funny pics! He ended up calming down and telling Santa he wanted a blue truck and Emmy-o needed a bear! Not sure where those ideas came from, but we a had great conversation with him, just a not so great photo session!

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Davis and Mia on the carousal! Davis was so proud that he got to pick the polar bear!

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Our attempt at the Poston kid picture!

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This is Davis telling Mia how to cook…look at that finger telling her exactly what to do!!

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Mia was prepared with lots of fun things to do at her house. One activity was making snow. Mia was not impressed, but Davis loved it! He was so proud of his snow and played with it forever! They even got cookie cutters out and made shapes in the snow!

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We went to the movies to see Happy Feet 2 in 3d! It was a great show and Davis loved it! He cracked me up, several times while watching he would scream out at the characters to stop being mean! What a bunch of hotties in their glasses!

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The dreaded goodbye! We had a mini photo shoot to send Bub and Stephanie on their way back to California! Davis is going through major withdrawals! He loves his Bubba and Stephanie! He picked out their faces in all the shots…surprise face, sad face, happy face, etc!

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Just in case you are wondering…I am still growing! 17 weeks this week! This was my 4 month picture!

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These are the shots the wonderful photographers captured at Bass Pro…Works of art!

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