Monday, November 14, 2011

Frannie. Charlotte and Mia come to town!

WE had such a treat this weekend…company from Louisville. Our favorite Mia, Frannie and Charlotte came to town and we had a ball! The  kids adored one another and woke up asking for each other. I very much enjoyed watching them playing so sweetly and conversing with my momma and cousin for the weekend! It was a much needed dose of Erin for me!!!

They very much enjoyed doing everything together…SNACK time! The goldfish were yummy but all of these toys are so tempting! We got some cute ones before they took off!

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It was off to the races. They loved racing and running through the playroom.

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Watching Elmo while supper was getting cooked! Charlotte loves Elmo so of course Davis loved it right along with her. He is gonna be such a great big brother! Look at the way he held on to her during the show…melts my heart!

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Bath time! The kids loved playing in the big bath together. They both had bubble heads and Davis enjoyed washing charlottes bubbles off of her. She was such a good sport she didn’t mind either!

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Davis asked to get this picture taken…He said “daddy look at us, we are sitting in the chair. Take our picture please!”

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These kids were inseparable the entire weekend. Luckily Charlotte is a lover too, because Davis had to touch her at all times to make sure she was ok and happy!

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Saturday morning we got them outside and just let them play their hearts out. Davis was in heaven. He loves outdoors and showing off all his skills on his power wheels, trampoline, etc. The bike ride was short, Charlotte did NOT like it and was ready to get out as soon as Walker took off. Davis kept saying “arlotte it’s ok!”

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TRAMPOLINE TIME! Davis loves the trampoline and really wanted Charlotte to like it as well, but again she was not digging this outdoor treat either! Her mommy even tried to help her see how much fun it was, well let’s just say ERIN had a blast!!

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I love fall. Davis has tons of leaves to play in this year and that is just what he did! Charlotte was not so sure at first but Davis showed her how much fun they could be and she began to warm up to the idea of them. Look at his face…he loved playing in the leaves!

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Charlotte jumped in the photo shoot and I’m sorry I couldn’t not share any of them…I know I went a little overboard!

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This boy loves the outdoors! So nice to have a place where he can enjoy everything about being outside!

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Daddy worked on cutting some dead trees down while we played in the leaves but since Davis got a new chain saw he decided he might need some hlep/. Luckily D came to his daddy’s aid and helped him out!

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If the pictures didn’t say it enough we had an amazing visit with Mia, Frannie and Charlotte! We are already talking about their next visit. Having special people in our lives in such an awesome blessing. Thanks for the memories and you are welcome to visit hotel wellington anytime!!

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