Friday, November 11, 2011

continuing my second week of thanks

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D and I are working on a photo collage and here is our first pictures for it! Love, love my sweet boy and baby!

*Forgive D if his our repeats, I’m not going to tell him he already said something he was thankful for just going to agree with it and type it!

Day 8: I am so very blessed and thankful for my precious two and a half year old. He makes me better, makes me smile and creates in me a new fresh feeling every day. Thank you Davis Walker for blessing me with your presence a mere 2 1/2 years ago! You make me one proud momma!

Davis: “thankful for my baby. just miss her and want to hold her!”

Day 9: SO thankful for the opportunity to stay at home and raise my children. God blessed me with a great husband who stand where I do when it comes to raising kids and where I should be, thank you for allowing me to be so lucky. It truly is a blessing. Some might say I have a fabulous degree why aren’t you using it? I would say I know and I am, on one of the most important patients/clients/students I will ever have…my son!

Davis: “playgroup! love going to the church and playing with my buddies!”

Day 10: I am thankful for my cell phone, not because I can’t function with out it, but because it allows me to stay in contact with my mom, friends and family who I miss like crazy. If you know me very well you know my peeve is people constantly on their phone, but I am so thankful I have an avenue to hear peoples voices when I am having a rough day or just want to say hi!

Davis: “my bubba, I just miss him. he rides on airplanes!”

Day 11: I am thankful to Dickey and Rhino for the opportunity given to my husband so that we could move to Milan and be together again. No more traveling for my sweet hubby, which means one much happier mommy!

Davis: “my lala and rob. I play monster trucks with them!”

Day 12: I am thankful for my home. I hope it is viewed as a place rest and comfort for others. We try to have as many people in our home as possible so to share our lives with them and to get into their lives!

Davis: “Laura and Nick they bought me mack trucks!”

Day 13: I am thankful for my sweet sis in law. Our bond seems to grow closer with each passing day! YOU are gonna be a beautiful; bride come June 16, 2012!

Davis: “my frannie and arlotte, I just miss them and need them!”

Day 14: I am thankful for the sweet baby growing in my belly. Davis reminds me daily (often several times a day) how much he is ready to see Emmy-o and how much he misses her! I long to see our precious baby too, Davis! I pray that he or she is healthy and knows how much all of us love him or her! Thankful for all the preggo moments because I know how fortunate I am just to be able to have another sweet child.

Davis: “my hoho, he brings me flatbed trucks, fire engines, and stinky trucks!”

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