Wednesday, November 2, 2011


We went trick or treating Monday night with some of our sweet neighbors and D seemed to really enjoy it…UNTIL a scary pumpkin boy joined us and then he was all done and ready to go back home!

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Mitchell and Andrew were so sweet to walk with him to houses and help him ring the door bell. He was timid at first, but once he got the hang of it he thought he was a pro. Daddy pulled him in the wagon to get from house to house. By the way Andrew was Anakin, and Mitchell was a piece of bacon!

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Some of my favorite D pictures from the night!



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Pictures with mom and dad on Halloween night! What a sweet sheep!


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When we got home he dumped all of his candy on the rug. I told him he could pick one piece and he picked SMARTIES! What a mess. Oh all the candy he got not what I thought he should pick but oh well! Walker really wanted him to try some fun dip, so after giving him a tutorial on how to use it he ate some of that as well. We had a great night and very much enjoyed our mini sugar high too!

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