Wednesday, November 9, 2011

What would Davis say…

*the other day while trying to go to the bathroom he told me he couldn’t go because his poopoo was sleeping! he added the next time he tried that his poopoo was sleeping with daddy!

*we were playing trucks (shocker) and I ask him why he isn’t coming to the field with me and he replies “I’m at a stop sign mom!”

*While talking about Christmas and things he might want from Hoho he decided he would ask for a mac truck. I told him that sounded great. He said let’s go get it now. I told him Christmas is close but we will have to wait and he replied “Mimi and Pawpaw will help me!” I said I am sure they will buddy but we have to wait so Santa can bring it, he replied no put it in the back of my jeep!

*He was playing trucks and asked me where he got one, I told him I wasn’t for sure and I thought you knew. He said” Hmmm (putting his finer on his lip, probably Mimi and Pawpaw!”

*While eating ice cream one afternoon, Davis told me” Mommy it’s too cold for me, cook it!” Davis is not a fan of food too hot or too cold! HAHA too funny!

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