Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Memphis Zoo with Gracie & Davis

We finally got to go to the zoo. I told D we were going last week and when we didn’t get to go I never heard the end of it. Luckily JL was on top of it and we went yesterday. We had such a nice time. The weather was great and the kids were even better. I cherish sweet trips like this, the Vego family will be leaving us soon and we will miss them so much!

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They loved looking at the animals together…Davis is going to miss “his Gracie!”

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Lunch Time! We had a nice lunch made especially by Jenny Lynn and myself and gave us some extra energy to finish the zoo!

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We found the playground and the kiddos loved it. So much they wouldn’t even look up at the camera! Oh well! Davis really enjoyed racing Oscar and Gracie down the slides!

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CHEERS! Coke icees were our zoo drink of choice, and boy did Ross go all out! What a cup!

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Leaving the zoo. Davis picked the monkey to get their final picture. Notice the new truck and backpack they have…Mr. Oscar is one AWESOME granddad! He insisted they both must have a treat to take home from the zoo! What a sweet man!

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Davis’ cars came in really handy, Gracie new just what sound they made and how to make them work!

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Sorry so many wagon shots..just could not pick one. I love their sweet expressions in all of them!

Before entering the zoo D found a great way to make Gracie giggle!

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