Monday, November 21, 2011

It’s Christmas Time! It’s Christmas Time!

Davis helped me cook dinner (the stove was not on!!)! He was so proud he could cook sausage and eggs. Now if we could just get him to eat eggs, now that would be something!

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We decided to put up our trees on a whim this weekend and Davis loved it! I mean he kept running around going “It’s Christmas time, it’s Christmas time!”  He hugged and loved on everything we brought out of the storage tubs. He would say, “Hmmm, ahhh snowman, I missed you!” He was great at sorting the limbs and putting them on the tree, but he especially loved driving his trucks on the tree before it was assembled!

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Putting the top of the tree on. What a fun daddy!

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It’s time for the lights! He was great at helping us see if any were burnt out and getting them untangled!

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Ornament time! Every ornament that had wheels was officially declared his and needed to be put on his tree! Needless to say his very little tree has huge ornaments on it! Oh well, it’s about the kids, right?

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His tree!

Complete with huge transportation ornaments from mommy and daddies tree, the tree skirt was purchased last year at 90% off and had trucks on it! Way to go momma! He is so proud of it! And best of all Fredrick, our elf on the shelf hides somewhere new every night in his room!

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