Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A month of thanks a week at a time!

Some of you who are on FB have noticed many are taking the month long challenge to post one thing you are thankful for all month. I  have taken this challenge but am doing it a bit differently. I am posting mine a week at a time on my blog so I will have my lists forever when I print my blog! I have also been doing the challenge with D, so I will list what he is thankful for each day too! Should be fun and interesting! Posting a couple of days late…couldn’t seem to get the energy to not take a nap with Davis the last couple of days!

Day 1: I am thankful for the ONE that calls me his child even when I am unappreciative of HIM! No matter what HE is there. He is my ROCK and my SAVIOR and for that I am forever thankful. My relationship with him hasn’t always been as personal as it has the last six years, but my GOD continues to amaze and humble me. I am HIS!

Davis: “thankful for trucks.”  When asked why he said…“all my trucks; flatbeds, macks, tractors, monster trucks, cars, bulldozers, backhoes, scoopers, mote cars (remote), and…”

Day 2: I am thankful for my best friend the one whom I call my husband. He loves me when I am unlovable, comforts me when I’m sad, makes me laugh when I am down and makes the best pancakes when I’m hungry! He makes me better and allows me to see Jesus in a human. He is my hero and the one I feel very privileged to call my spouse!

Davis: “thankful for my mommy & daddy” When asked why he said…”I just miss mommy and daddy!”

Day 3: I am thankful for my parents. When you become a parent yourself you realize just how much your parents sacrificed and worked for you. I will always be grateful for their many sacrifices for having three young babies so close in age. I have gained so much wisdom and knowledge from my relationship with them!

Davis: “my blanks and pups”…”they make me happy!”

Day 4: I am thankful for my friends. You know the ones that come no matter what time you call them, the ones that answer even when it’s not convenient, the ones that listen even when they have no time. (sounds like a country song, huh) These friends have gotten me through some pretty rocky times the past several years and I will always have a special place in my heart for them, no matter how far away I am from them.

Davis: “Mia and Pops, I just need them!”

Day 5: I am thankful for my in-laws. They gave me the most precious gift ever; their son! I appreciate all the values and morals they instilled in him to make him the man he is today. Their example as parents has also been an amazing blessing!

Davis: “Mimi and Pawpaw…I miss them mommy!”

Day 6 : My one and only sister! We are finally closer together and I am so appreciative of her and her sweet hubby that steal my boy away so me and his daddy can have some couple time. They treat him as if he were their own and always bring him back to us beaming about all the fun things they did together!

Davis: my dumper truck room, I just like it!

Day 7 : My one and only bubba! He makes me smile and I love our talks on the phone and Skype. I  miss him like crazy and wish California would give him back, but I love that it makes him happy to be there! He is one amazing man and I just love his personality and all the things that make him Jarrett!

Davis: my Wyatt and Nonah…they play trucks with me!

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