Monday, April 30, 2012

Last Sunday as 3…

We got some pictures of the three of us before Emerson arrives…check them out!

april 007This is how D wanted to pose…what a hoot!

april 008april 009april 010 Posing with the wreath for Emerson’s hospital door! What a mess!

april 011april 012april 021our single shots…

april 013april 014april 015april 016april 017april 018april 019Daddy and Davis shots…

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Mommy and Davis shots…he loved pointing to my belly so I had to return the favor…

april 030april 031To convince him to get a sweet shot we had to take a silly pic!

april 032pretending to be asleep on the way to church!!

Baseball benefit

Walker was invited to play in an alumni baseball game to celebrate the life of a dear player who lost his way too early. Luckily he was feeling better and was able to play in the big game. Little did I know it would be such a BIG deal! We had to have the entire outfit perfect so he not only looked the part but could hit and do well! He ended up getting the first hit and he looked great in his pants from high school..!!! We are proud of you Walker!

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loving on his daddy

april 035april 036april 037 Davis taking baseball into his own hands!

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the alumni….

april 043 Daddy with the family, minus mommy!

I got them announcing walker!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pregoo pity party

Ok so I've gotta ramble to somebody so the blog it is, with hopes of not sounding to dramatic I'll type my woes and not say them in someone's ear.
On the way to run errands this morning I broke, yep me, not my! I cried out and asked me, really, why, now ? I have a mere six days till I go to the hospital to meet our sweet baby girl that's been tucked inside of me for almost ten months and now I start to stress. Nothing huge and horrible has happened, praise god, just not going the way I want it to....hmmm surprise! Davis was sick all weekend resulting in many missed plans, and now his daddy has come down with it. It seems like when u need/want the most help encouragement from your spouse and he isn't able to physically do those things start to crumble...or is it just this dramatic preggo girl? I kept thinking what if I get this mess, what if he is not better and can't come to the hospital with me, what if Davis gets it again(nasty viral bug), what if I go into labor early, get it...I was flooded with the what if's. Then as Davis was singing to me from one of his favorite CDs the verse hit me..I love you and was whispering mommy at the end! (from skittle dinky do) i know my father in heaven loves me even more than my little boy in the back, unbelievable to grasp because that boy loves his mama) and I have to ( for the sake of myself, Emmy, and Davis ) hold it together and just get through the present task. So, I brushed away my tears/fears and kept heading down the road. I told myself I have to do one thing at a time and then take on the next task, if I try to reign in that I'm 9 1/2 months pregnant, caring for a sick husband, a recovering sick three yr old, and carrying a baby with no help and plenty to do (u know my get done list is a mile long!!!) then I would become defeated. after feeding everyone lunch and taking a good nap I'm feeling a tad more refreshed and ready to take on my next task...taking my hubby to the doctor....this might be a tough one....he says it viral, no need, I want him better ASAP so I'm not alone in the operating room (no offense love my family/friends) but he must be there!!! Ok that's it enough rambling, like I said on to the next task!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

VIDEO blowout…

april 001

Davis was sickly all weekend so we spent some major time indoors and singing! Enjoy! 







Let the countdown begin…7,6,5,4,3,2,1…Emerson Oneita Wellington will be here! May 2, 2012

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It is officially a week a way and we are all so very excited about our upcoming meeting with Miss Emerson! I have so many emotions about that day it is unbelievable. You would think this was my first!

I am so very excited… Excited about what she looks like, excited for her to meet Davis, excited to introduce her to my family and friends, and excited to move a little easier!

I am nervous…will she be a difficult/easy baby? will she be healthy? will Davis adjust well? will she sleep well, nurse well, etc?

I am honored…to have another baby to nurture, love and protect, to teach and the list is endless…

I am blessed…to have so many people that have showered her with sweet blessings of love and gifts, time and days off and moments spent with me, and/or Davis.

Whatever, the concerns I am casting them to Christ the only true and perfect one so that I may rest assured May 2 will come with pure joy!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cardboard boxes, the cheapest and most FUN toys!

Friday night (yes we are exciting Friday night folks!) we put together Emerson and Davis’ new stroller! He loved helping his daddy and kept asking daddy you need my help, you need my tools, daddy do you need me? It was priceless! He was a great help and after taking several spins around the house approves of his new stroller!

King of the cardboard box!

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getting ready to work…

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unwrapping all the pieces…

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more stuff daddy, oh me!

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will Emmy's seat fit….ummm, yes!

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let me see if I can still fit, that would be a no!

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sure do love my new stroller, all that hard work sure paid off!

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Now for the cardboard box……

Davis just knew his daddy could make the box into anything he picked so….

Saturday morning the fun began….we turned an ordinary old box into a boat! complete with a window, seat, and wheel and even a fishing pole that caught fish with magnets/paper clips! Seriously, Davis has the BEST daddy in the world! It made for a great toy since D was a little under the weather and it was pretty chilly outside!

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He was very impressed with his boat, so much so that all his animals and special toys had to ride in it with him!