Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Let the countdown begin…7,6,5,4,3,2,1…Emerson Oneita Wellington will be here! May 2, 2012

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It is officially a week a way and we are all so very excited about our upcoming meeting with Miss Emerson! I have so many emotions about that day it is unbelievable. You would think this was my first!

I am so very excited… Excited about what she looks like, excited for her to meet Davis, excited to introduce her to my family and friends, and excited to move a little easier!

I am nervous…will she be a difficult/easy baby? will she be healthy? will Davis adjust well? will she sleep well, nurse well, etc?

I am honored…to have another baby to nurture, love and protect, to teach and the list is endless…

I am blessed…to have so many people that have showered her with sweet blessings of love and gifts, time and days off and moments spent with me, and/or Davis.

Whatever, the concerns I am casting them to Christ the only true and perfect one so that I may rest assured May 2 will come with pure joy!

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