Monday, April 2, 2012

Davis turns 3!!!

To say we celebrated Davis turning three would definitely be an understatement! We have never really had a big birthday, but this year we decide to have one since we new Emerson would be arriving shortly after the big day! Mia and Pops arrived Thursday night, so we had extra time to start the birthday off right. We spent part of Friday making this fire engine cake. I must tell you he watches a video on YouTube of this cake being made daily so Mia thought it was most appropriate to make it despite him already having an ice-cream cake and cookies for his party. Who says the birthday boy can’t have three desserts? HA! He corrected Mia several times as she was assisting him in the making of this cake, he would tell her she left out a part or she needed this color icing on this part of the cake, you think he has watched the video enough? HA!

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his dream came true…he got to make a fire engine cake, just like on YouTube

You should YouTube fire engine cake just to see how awesome of a job they did, I think it is perfect and so did Davis!

Saturday morning we headed to Fun Zone for the birthday bash. Davis was joined by lots of his friends and they had a blast playing on all the inflatables. He was so proud his buddies came to play!

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3rdbirthday 043 Me and my gym buddies. We usually stink and look nice and sweaty so it felt good to get this close for a picture!

3rdbirthday 051The only Emmy Davis knows…hmm, possibly where he came up with her name??

3rdbirthday 0533rdbirthday 0553rdbirthday 0573rdbirthday 0643rdbirthday 066 Fun times on the inflatables, too bad this momma was Prego. I really wanted to go down the slides!

3rdbirthday 075 I think his fire engine cookies turned out pretty cute…

We began singint to D and he did not like all the attention….

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3rdbirthday 078…see…

3rdbirthday 079Mommy to the rescue…

3rdbirthday 080now he is all better!

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Present time. Davis told us after the party that this was his favorite part! HA!

3rdbirthday 0833rdbirthday 0843rdbirthday 0853rdbirthday 0863rdbirthday 0873rdbirthday 0883rdbirthday 0893rdbirthday 0903rdbirthday 093 He got so many fun things and he could not wait to dig right into them…somehow we convinced him to wait!

PiƱata time…

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We wanted a group shot, but some had to leave a little early…

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Playing with his balloon bouque was a pretty fun treat too!

3rdbirthday 1103rdbirthday 1113rdbirthday 1123rdbirthday 1133rdbirthday 114Yay..he finally got to at least hold one of his presents!

When we got home we ate some pizzas and went right to the cake, or should I say cakes!!

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3rdbirthday 1223rdbirthday 123The finished Fire Engine cake!

3rdbirthday 1243rdbirthday 1253rdbirthday 1263rdbirthday 127 You think he enjoyed it?

Later we grilled out and Laura and Nick came back over, she brought him another present….he sure does love this present thing..where in the world will we put all of his loot?

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Mommy and daddy (with some help from the grandparents) got Davis this park, I mean swing set for his birthday! Walker totally picked it out and I have teased him saying he must not have gotten to swing as a child because this is the hugest swing set I have ever seen! Oh well, we have many years to break it in!

3rdbirthday 1303rdbirthday 1313rdbirthday 1323rdbirthday 1333rdbirthday 1343rdbirthday 1353rdbirthday 1363rdbirthday 1373rdbirthday 139 The adults even enjoyed it!

3rdbirthday 1403rdbirthday 1413rdbirthday 142SLIDING!!!

We came in to cool off and eat some more cake, are you surprised….

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but we ended right back outside…

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Daddy and Pawpaw played baseball, but D had to join in…what a hoot! Got to get that kid in baseball, and fast!

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3rdbirthday 164 Mia enjoying the show!

We all wanted our picture with the birthday boy…what an entertainer…we sure did get what we wanted…his way!


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Hope you had an amazing three year old birthday little guy. You have put a smile on our face and laughter all around since your arrival three years ago. We love you to the moon and back…

1 comment:

  1. Liz,

    You have the cutest kid ever! I just love Davis!!! Can't wait to see how cute Emmy is too!!! Happy Birthday Davis!

    -Emily @ Y
