Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Egg Hunt at Story Hour

Today at story hour we learned all about Easter and we got to go on another Egg Hunt. Whew, can you say candy overload..I have started just throwing it away!

Davis was so excited to get to find more eggs, but really wanted to know where the Eater bunny was and why he didn’t stay to say hello! HA!

Listening to the Bunny stories and doing some pretend play with Mrs. Betsy!

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And they are off, EGG HUNT

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Posing with his Easter basket…

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Checking out all the eggs and nature on the ground with his friend Hannah!

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Hall and Davis…Egg Hunting buddies!

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Mommy and Davis pause to take a couple pics…yes this is a sweaty 9month preggo lady in workout clothes, we had just left the gym folks!

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Heading in to see what all kinds of surprises we found!

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We he woke from his nap he had another surprise…a Easter box from Bubba and Stephanie, you think he likes mail??

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He got all kinds of good stuff!!!

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april 063Thanks Bub and Steph for being so thoughtful. He loved all of it down to the card!

april 064Just had to add this picture of him setting up shop in the living room writing all of his thank you letters from his birthday….he made sure everyone got stickers and writing on their cards! Love my sweet guy.

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