Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cardboard boxes, the cheapest and most FUN toys!

Friday night (yes we are exciting Friday night folks!) we put together Emerson and Davis’ new stroller! He loved helping his daddy and kept asking daddy you need my help, you need my tools, daddy do you need me? It was priceless! He was a great help and after taking several spins around the house approves of his new stroller!

King of the cardboard box!

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getting ready to work…

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unwrapping all the pieces…

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more stuff daddy, oh me!

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will Emmy's seat fit….ummm, yes!

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let me see if I can still fit, that would be a no!

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sure do love my new stroller, all that hard work sure paid off!

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Now for the cardboard box……

Davis just knew his daddy could make the box into anything he picked so….

Saturday morning the fun began….we turned an ordinary old box into a boat! complete with a window, seat, and wheel and even a fishing pole that caught fish with magnets/paper clips! Seriously, Davis has the BEST daddy in the world! It made for a great toy since D was a little under the weather and it was pretty chilly outside!

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He was very impressed with his boat, so much so that all his animals and special toys had to ride in it with him!

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