Monday, April 16, 2012

Fire Station with mommy and me playgroup

Today we went to the fire station with our playgroup. We had been once before, but thought it was time for another visit and once again the kids loved it. They were a bit excited and I am sure the firemen were glad to see us go so they could rest, but we all had a great time and learned a lot too. This is some of the crew before we went inside!

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After the tour of the fire house we looked at all the cool things found on a fire truck….pretty amazing!

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Davis even walked through the truck to check out all the gear inside!

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More cool tools…

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Then they checked out the top of the truck…..

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Davis didn’t want to sit in the seat, but he got a lot closer than he did last time….

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All the kiddos posing by the fire truck!

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Next, we came in for snack and a brief fire lesson….

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We had a great visit, learned a lot and Davis is already talking about when we can go back to the station! What a wonderful memory with some of his favorite buddies!

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