Monday, January 28, 2013


Davis was off at the fire station this weekend so he spent the weekend at Meme and Pawpaw's! (for those of you who haven’t read, d is a volunteer firefighter at our fire station at our house…we have lots of fires here..haha) We were excited he was off and that he wanted some time with the grands so we met them in Trenton and headed back to Milan with one child! We missed his sweet talkative self before we even got home…amazing how quite things are with out him! We looked at the pictures on my camera from the last couple of days to give us a quick D dose…

what hoot..he took the one of me and e

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bath time…look at these two…silly kids

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they each love the bath and love playing in there together!

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Emmy especially likes this rag..ha

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Davis was working and took time our to read to his sister..what an awesome big brother and considerate firefighter! Seriously, I will never forget the days of him in this outfit!! I wonder how many times a day he changes into it…

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Emmy was quite the laid back chick while he was gone…

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She snuggled lots with her daddy!

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and played lots…

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Family fun night…

so glad to be a part of a church family that desires for you to do activities with your family. Tonight we read bible stories and sang Jesus songs, ate pizza, made cookies, visited MS Jill and jacks puppy crew, had a dance party, played games, rode roller coasters on Xbox 360, and just enjoyed being together as a family!

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hoping I never forget moments like these, so precious!

dance party..check out his moves towards the end…ha!

Emerson’s “walker”

Seriously my kids grow up way too fast, she is only eight months old and walking…ahhh!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I love you to pieces..getting ready for love day!

WE love some crafts around here and today we made our first Valentine one. It says I love you to pieces. Davis was so proud because he cut out all of the red pieces for the heart…he is too big! We talked while making the craft about love; what it looks like, who we love and how to love…oh my sweet boy I pray you find a precious girl that loves god and loves you! Seriously, he is going to be a heart breaker!

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who do you love to pieces?

WE love Jesus!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

DIY projects…

I have been inspired lately to do some things myself so one day I conquered three projects and I was quite proud of myself! First I made foaming soap…so easy and super cheap!

What you need:

  • Liquid hand soap (I would not suggest using the thick or creamy soaps. I have found clear soaps work best)
  • Foaming bottle (I don't throw away my bottles from previous purchases)

How to do it:
First, fill the empty foaming bottle with about an inch of soap on the bottom. You can fill it with a little more if you want, but it isn't really necessary.
Next, fill the rest of the bottle with tap water.
After the bottle is full turn the bottle upside down, side to side and mix the soap into the water. Do not shake, it will get really sudsy and not work as well.
There you have it, homemade foaming soap!

Then I made cream of something soup, instead of buying those crazy expensive cream of something soups I made my own and it felt so good!

Cream of "something" soup recipe

1 cup non-fat dried milk

3/4 cup cornstarch

1/4 cup bouillon (if you have cubes you have to smash them up)
You can use whatever kind you like (ie, beef, veggie)

4 Tablespoons freeze dried minced onions (I used the minced onions from Sam's Club)

1 teaspoon dried basil

1 teaspoon dried thyme (I couldn't find the thyme so I used dried parsley instead)

1 teaspoon pepper

(For the equivalent of one can of condensed cream soup, mix 1/3 cup dry mix with 1 1/4 cup water. Cook until thick)

And last I made my own laundry powder. This was a little premature since I still have some soap, but I had been researching it for awhile and had all the supplies so I decided to go with it! I cannot wait to use it! IT smells sooo good!

1 (4 lb 12 oz) Box of Borax- Found in the detergent aisle

1 (3 lb 7 oz) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda- Found in the detergent aisle

1 (3 lb) Container of OxyClean- Found in the detergent aisle. (This is optional but I highly recommend adding it)

2 (14.1 oz) Bars of Zote Soap- Found in the detergent aisle (we chose to do pink for the scent but the white would be just fine. You can also use Fels Naptha)

1 (4 lb) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda- Found in the cooking aisle (You could also get two 2 lb box, we couldn’t find the larger 4lb box when we went)

1-2 (55 oz) Bottle of Purex Crystals Fabric Softener- Found in the detergent aisle (This is 100% optional. Like I said, my laundry detergent must smell good and I really like soft towels)

Sorry no pictures!!

campouts and puzzles

No rhyme or reason to this post except to say I sure love my sweet babies and feel blessed every day to be their mommy and to get to be at home with them. I owe so much thanks to my hubby, for supporting this decision , my mom for teaching me all that I know about being a mother, my hubby’s sweet uncle for blessing us so, and to all my other family members who encourage me daily in what I am doing. I may not make the big bucks, but I sure won’t regret a moment spent with these two!

Some of Davis’ sweet buddies thought he needed their tent, since they were too big for it…I think they were right!

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Bubba, my brother, got the kids these puzzles when they were born and we love them.  Davis knows how to spell his name and his sisters’ name because of them. (and a cute little name song!)

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God keep me humble. Remind me how blessed I am when I began to want more. Give me opportunities to serve you even if only in a small way. Most of all help my sweet children see you in my words, actions and behavior every day, and when I mess up, because I know I will, create in me a spirit that says “I ‘m sorry!” Help me show my children you in everything we do and see. You are my EVERYTHING!

Monday, January 21, 2013


So it is official Emerson has taken her first and surely not her last right in the jeep with Davis! She loved it! She kept kicking her feet and smiling…pretty sure she is going to love driving as much as D does!

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She wants to drive sooo bad!

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Don’t worry she is strapped in very tight…but she is just loving life in this jeep!

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Too bad…the ride had to come to an end!!!

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Look at that sweet face..she is saying, I’m so happy I just got to ride in the jeep for the first time!”

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Sweet picture before worship this morning with mia

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Loving her some Mia time

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showing off her school girl look this morning!

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Ha-ha, I love her silly expressions!

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