Thursday, January 3, 2013

Emerson is 8 months and counting

Emerson Onieta you are eight months old and never more proud! You are so precious and everyone that meets you comments on your sweetness! You can be so quiet and watchful, and then you turn on your charm when you get to know someone. Your smile and laugh will get the whole room in stiches. You have the best baby personality and you are so easy going. You love to crawl, stand, cruise, and pull-up. You even think you are big enough to walk! You are doing so many new things this month, I hope I don’t forget anything!

You still eat like a champ, and you love feeding yourself. You eat anything and everything and are quite the opposite of a picky eater! You drink water out of your Sippy cups but you really love chewing on them! Some of your favorite things to eat are bananas, baby Cheetos, yogurt bites, sweet potatoes, peas, and puffs!

You sleep like a beauty. I still wake you up most days because you could literally sleep the day away. You take two naps about 2-3 hours long, you sleep all night about 10-12 hours and you still love being swaddled (arms only) and you snuggle up next to the bumper and a little cuddler!

You LOVE your big brother and love laughing with and at him when he entertains you. You sure are a mommas girl right now, as long as you can see me you are ok!

You still have so many different looks and so many people say such different things about who you look like. I still think you have your pops in you!

Your favorite toy is your table and you love walking around it, pulling up on it and doing all the different activities on it. You love toys especially your brothers! I will give you Emmy toys and you head straight to your bubba to see what he is playing with…Legos and trucks!!!!

You say hi, mama (when you eat), mmmmm, dada, bub, and constantly jabber. You are a great listener too! You will take it all in and then give your feedback. I love talking to you and listening to what you are going to say back to me,

You have developed this funny thing while laughing you while scrunch up the left side of your face and it is adorable! You love to play peek a boo, sing, and look (I mean chew) books! You are waving bye and hi and you look just like a person in a parade when you wave!! You are a grabby little girl and you love to touch peoples faces and love all over them. this might be one reason why people just want to eat you up, or maybe it’s those sweet cheeks of yours! Either way you are 100% perfect for our family!

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You don’t sit still for long…you are crawling and pulling up only so you can cruise around…

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One of your new dolls…her name is Emerson Onieta, says so on her birth certificate…so sweet!

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You don’t have to have it, but you sure do love pacifiers when you sleep. If you loose it you just suck your thumb..such a smart inventive little girl!

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You love your bed and really love playing in it…today you had it all to yourself…bubba was at meme’s and you were loving it!

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Look how big you are!!


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Emerson, you truly are a gift from God. We love you and are so proud to be your parents.

Some things I love about you:

getting you out of your crib right when you wake snuggle in my neck and cuddle so contently.

watching you when you meet someone for the first time. you really give them a once over and then you become so friendly!

the way you laugh!

the way you adore your brother!

your smell…nothing like the smell of a baby.

your feet, hands…well everything about you!

our prayer for emmy

god thank you for the blessing of children and entrusting us to raise them with you as their guide and father. we pray we teach emmy the difference between right and wrong and that she chooses right. we pray your richest blessings on her so that she may be a servant for you. humble us with her sweet spirit and remind us to love you like little children. in your name…AMEN

A couple of comparison shots…..hmmm, watchcha think?

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