Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Jack squared

We have several sweet buddies named Jack and we just so happened to play with them within 24hours! WE sure do love our buddies and especially our Jacks!

Emerson sure did love having a little guy over her age…I think she’s in love! She would not leave him alone, where ever Jack was she went there! Ha! I couldn’t get them to both look at the camera because they were so worried about what Davis was doing…

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Yesterday our big buddy Jack came to play..we had some major fun and Jack got to see what it was like to be a big brother!

First we played LEGOS…I bet that was tough to guess!

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Next, we played some twister. Jack has tough, Davis gave up and then came back in the game to say he wins! HA! Emerson just took it all in..

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Then we played Mr. mouth…they loved shooting the bugs in the frogs mouth!

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Jack and Emmy were precious..I think they both really enjoyed one another's company!

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And what’s a play date with a football player with out a little football…

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Emerson loved watching the game…and gave lots of good luck kisses!

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You could say we did lots of cheers for our football boys!

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Then it was race time….hilaroious. Look at them warming up and their game faces!!!

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and they are off…

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on your mark set go


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