Thursday, January 3, 2013

A year in review…

2012…an exciting year at the Wellington household

WE had much less drama this year and so much more celebrations. There was really five months this year that stuck out in my mind as major events of the year: 

March: Our little man Davis turned 3!

April: Walker and I officially celebrated being together for 11 years!

May: Walker and I brought Emerson Onieta Wellington into the world.

I turned 30!

We celebrated our 8 year married as husband and wife!

June: Lane, Walker's sister got married and we were all in the wedding!

December My brother proposed to his girlfriend Stephanie.

WE serve an amazing god that gives us more than all we can ask for or imagine. Praying for great blessings this year of 2013. I know it is going to be an exciting year for my family. I pray we seek and notice every opportunity god gives us to serve others, love others and praise his name! I was going to blog a list of resolutions for myself, but instead I pledge to be the best wife, mom, Christian, sister, friend, daughter, I can be. I know with god beside me I can overcome all things.

god give me the strength when I am weary, the perseverance when I want to give up, the encouragement when I need a shove. I will strive to be the best me I can be this year. I promise to count my blessings, seek out ways to serve others, bless others and give glory to your holy name. create in me a heart that constantly wants more with you, help me never to be content with our relationship, and may I not disappoint you. in your name…

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