Monday, January 28, 2013


Davis was off at the fire station this weekend so he spent the weekend at Meme and Pawpaw's! (for those of you who haven’t read, d is a volunteer firefighter at our fire station at our house…we have lots of fires here..haha) We were excited he was off and that he wanted some time with the grands so we met them in Trenton and headed back to Milan with one child! We missed his sweet talkative self before we even got home…amazing how quite things are with out him! We looked at the pictures on my camera from the last couple of days to give us a quick D dose…

what hoot..he took the one of me and e

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bath time…look at these two…silly kids

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they each love the bath and love playing in there together!

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Emmy especially likes this rag..ha

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Davis was working and took time our to read to his sister..what an awesome big brother and considerate firefighter! Seriously, I will never forget the days of him in this outfit!! I wonder how many times a day he changes into it…

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Emmy was quite the laid back chick while he was gone…

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She snuggled lots with her daddy!

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and played lots…

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Family fun night…

so glad to be a part of a church family that desires for you to do activities with your family. Tonight we read bible stories and sang Jesus songs, ate pizza, made cookies, visited MS Jill and jacks puppy crew, had a dance party, played games, rode roller coasters on Xbox 360, and just enjoyed being together as a family!

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hoping I never forget moments like these, so precious!

dance party..check out his moves towards the end…ha!

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