Thursday, January 3, 2013

Poston Christmas…the blog that doesn’t end..

We headed for KY with Nick and Laura and the kids did great. We watched movies, ate, and slept even on the way down. Thanks Nick for being such a great driver! Just look at those little feet poking out…ahhh!

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Bubba and Stephanie are here!!

Davis had a really hard time understanding why we couldn’t open the, Mia let him open one….I think Emmy liked it best! She got to open one to.. a Cabbage patch with her name! Sweetest gift ever! 

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playing some piano tunes

Steph and Jarrett had some gifts for D too…

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Emmy sure did love her new doll!

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Davis is obsessed right now with being a firefighter, so we had to pack his gear so he could work at the fire station in KY, that is until Jarrett stole it!! HA!

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These two were too cute for words..I pad buddies!

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Emerson was content doing whatever..she especially loved the snacks!!

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and the lights…

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Mom had her side of the family over and that meant Charlotte came to play…yippee! These two are so FUN!

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Erin even got a massage out of the visit!

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Erin playing some tunes so these two dance monkeys could jam…

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Present time…

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D showing Charlotte how to get dressed quickly for “work”

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Sweet emmy traveled…from one person to the next…she didn’t complain!

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Out attempts at a group kid shot…

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brother sister shot

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who can crawl the fastest…

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these two are too much…

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walk to bubba

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my mom and her sisters..

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inseparable…and too sweet for words..

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group shot..minus sweet

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I think D had a great christmas…

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My amazing brother and his girl friend got engaged…yay!

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I loved the present my brother and Stephanie got is so me! (a picture blanket!)

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Emerson was sleeping when we opened gifts so Davis helped her open when she woke up…such a thoughtful big brother!!

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Pictures with Mia and Pops

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My brother and sister…love them

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bloopers…yep, we still have them!

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My siblings and our significant others!

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New Years Eve, we celebrated mia’s birthday at a nice restaturant in a quaint little town. We had the best time and food!

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seriously, he is going to be the best dad ever!

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Mia sure enjoyed this birthday spent with her loves…

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Bubba always the romantic…playing some tunes!

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me and my soul mate

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it’s birthday song time…

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Before we left, Davis and Steph entertained everyone. BTW, they taught him this nifty new tune…”that girls is on fire!” to which D asked me why they would sing such a thing since we wouldn’t want anyone to be on fire…ha!

Don’t let his goofiness full you, he LOVES these two! He asked them when they were going to move closer to him!!! Sweet boy!

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I sure do miss my brother. He is truly an inspiration to me. He is the most selfless, servant minded, gving person I know. I am so lucky!

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Jarrett and Stephanie knew Davis had “too much” and wanted to do something with him instead of buying him something for Christmas. (I love them for this!) We got them an awesome mine trip to Big splash in French lick Indiana. They had so much fun and made so many memories. These pictures make me tear up… I’m sorry I miss them, and I wish they were closer and they are so good to my babies. Thanks bub and steph for the great time you gave my baby. You are two amazing people and I love you more than I will ever be able to tell you with my words!


We took a rest break and these two sure did take advantage of it…

I am one lucky momma. My babies LOVE one another so much!

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We made it home and this girl sure was glad to see her daddy! Emerson and Daddy time, nothing like it. Melts my heart!

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More videos from Mia’s birthday!!


Our trip to KY was amazing. We spent almost a week with my sweet family and I loved every minute of it. It was such an exciting time and I sure am looking forward to 2013!

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