Monday, April 1, 2013


Holidays keep getting more and more Fun! Davis and Emerson woke to some special Easter surprises!

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I think Davis enjoyed Emerson’s too!

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Sleepy head, trying to figure out her first purse!

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D has already mastered his clock puzzle and…

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is in dream land with his new movie..Toy Story, he had never seen it!

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We are ready for action..nope Worship! Always on duty that little man!

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My hubby and babies!

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Our sweet family!

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Davis took this one..bahhaaa!

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Mia and Pops and the grandbabies!

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Some bunny loves having a birthday and Easter so close…PRESENTS!

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MEME AND PAWPAW and their grands!

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Present time…

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such fun…

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such hard work…

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Oh, the legos….

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She sure loves baskets, she can take stuff out,,her favorite thing these days!

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My sweet Easter bunnies!

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Davis reminded us of his verse over and over today, and I must admit I was very proud…He is not there, he is RISEN!

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