Monday, April 22, 2013


We are getting ready for the beach, so little miss had to try on her beach hat..well, one of them anyway! She made sure her ball was in sight at all times!

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Daddy came home and had to get some Emmy love!

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This is what I like to call..driving miss Emmy!

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Daddy sure loves his snuggles…

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I had the pleasure of washing all the items with wheels with this stud on Saturday am..what JOY! We had so much fun and laughed a lot! We also got a little wet, ok a lot wet! HA!

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check out two of our projects…

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my car washing babe

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I came in to feed this munchkin..what a mess!!!

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She decided black was not her color and began stripping…we are in trouble!

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She is happy now! HA! Love that little toothless face!

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Ms Stinker with a capital S!


oh to hear those two giggles!

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