Monday, April 8, 2013

Take me out to the ball game…

Getting ready for your brothers first t-ball game is tough work…bahaa!

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He was so glad when we showed up, ready to watch and cheer for him!

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So what is all the fuss about…

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They were practicing before the game, but I got a closer look and this is what I saw…

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Guess he was worried about how his hat looked!

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Emerson stayed fully entertained with all Davis’ cheerleaders!

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Seriously, she is a hand full, so glad she’s cute!

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Entertaining folks before the game..

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Daddy, aka the coach giving the pregame speech! I am so proud of my sweet hubby, this has been such a fun thing, but oh such a job! 11 four to six year olds…ahhh!

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Davis and his buddy Carson, before the game!!

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My sweet catcher!

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the biggest number 1 fan there!

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before his first at bat..

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here he goes..

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still cheering…or playing!!!

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and it’s a round of good games!!!


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