Sunday, April 14, 2013

Happy first birthday Jack!

Sweet baby Jack turned one this week and we had a blast celebrating his first year of life! The ducks at the party were a hit and my two are still quacking about it! Logan decorated so cute and I  just might have to hire her out for Emerson’s party!

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Emerson and Davis could not get enough duck loving!

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Peggy and the birthday boy!

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Seriously Emmy loved the ducks!

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Just playing…

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Jack’s cool new wagon with his name on it!

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Happy birthday sweet boy!

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Jack loving some birthday cake!

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Our many attempts at a cute picture together..whew this is getting difficult!

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Present time…Davis was so excited to give Jack what we had gotten for him, Emmy on the other hand just wanted the other presents!

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Emerson and Jack..and yes they were holding hands at a VERY young age..they were supervised! Look, how they have grown!

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