Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Emerson…11 months


Pictues with you my little girl are getting more and more interesting…instead of sweet smiles and looks I get this…

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and this…

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instead of pictures with your brother, I get…

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and this..

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You ARE A BUSY GIRL!!!! Keeping up with you is my mission most days…whew!

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You walk, I mean RUN, everywhere!!!

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You snuggle and cuddle everything, especially pillows and stuffed animals!

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But this serious looks are SO you!!! I think you really knew that I needed one today..

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because I kept getting more and more of this…

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I caught you..a little anyway!

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always reading,saying books, in the sweetest little voice

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and giving me these faces that stop me in my tracks!!!

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You my darling are ALWAYS on a mission!

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At 11 months old you are walking, running, singing, talking, busy, eating little girl! We are always on our toes with you and it is amazing because as laid back as you are, you are definitely BUSY!  You are such a sweet heart and hug and kiss most anything you want to. You love balls, books, animals and you love to watch people. You sweet look and your blue eyes get comments from everyone around you!

You are eating like a champion. You refuse NOTHING..which is such a blessing after the suffering I have been through with your brother and eating. You still nurse 3 times a day and rarely drink otherwise! You won’t refuse a snack and are somehow always hungry!

You sleep amazing and no longer have a pacifer..woohoo! You take two naps at about 2 hours each a day and sleep for about 10-12 hours a night! You still sleep with your pillow, and two blankets! You love to look at books and sing songs before you go to bed.

You are very busy and love to play, but you most certainly do not have to be entertained. You love seeing people while you play, but you are independent and are content doing things your way!

I love you sweet girl and pray you continue to grow and learn and remain healthy.You are so full of life and joy and others love to be around you. You brother is still your biggest fan and protector, he won’t let anything happen while he is around! HA! I can’t believe in a short month you will be one year old. Watching you grow is so much fun and we love you so much!

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