Monday, April 1, 2013

My little BUNNY is FOUR!

He LOVED looking at all the many pictures of himself..from birth to four! Good thing I love pictures too!

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He thought it was cool that we decorated everywhere with LEGOs and pictures of him…

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His presents!!!!

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Emmy took it all in so she would be ready for her big day in a couple of months!

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Somebody is EXCITED!!!

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again she is taking all the craziness in

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opening presents is hard work

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hmmm..starting to figure all this out!

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As you can tell present time was a success!

Now on to the cake!!! LEGO cake and cookies anyone?

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We made Davis a sweet video of pictures of his last year and he loved it, so glad it played for him..argg, still mad it wouldn’t play at the party! Oh well!

Happy birthday sweet boy. We love you so much and are so proud of you. Praying God will continue to bless you and us with your sweet personality!

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