Monday, April 8, 2013

Officially 4

It’s been official since March 31, but now that we’ve been to the doctor it is truly official! Davis’ four year stats are 43 lbs. (90%) and 42 inches tall (85%). He is and always will be my big boy!

He took the visit like a champ, despite having to do some things he had never had to do before or very often…pee in a cup, get blood pressure, get blood drawn, get examined from head to toe! I must say the funniest thing was explaining to him why he must pee in the cup, he insisted he wasn’t going to do that and he had no pee to put in there anyway! HA! After a detailed talk from momma he finally reluctantly did it, but whew, what a daunting task with Emerson on my hip!

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They waited so patiently and Emerson was pretty glad she was off the hook for this appointment! Don’t worry my dear in less than a month we will be back for your one year appointment!

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