Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis, Davis

Davis continues to crack me up and I don’t want to miss any of his hilarious comments so I am trying to record them for him and you!

*As we were pulling out of the driveway he said “Mommy, our new Milan home is pretty! Who bought it for us?” I said baby our home is nice and we bought it. He said, “oh my mommy, my daddy and me bought it, that’s nice!”

*Whenever we go to pretend Davis is anything (unless it is his idea) he says no mommy I am Davis Walker Dow Wellington not a horse!

*He loves “cracking jokes” or what he calls jokes. His favorite joke right now is “Mommy, peanut butter on your…head! HA! That is silly I said PB on your head! Now your turn mom.” This could go on for long periods of time….oh the joys of toddler humor!

*Not really a saying but I have to blog it…D has been attending our new children’s ministry class at church (taught by his loving parents) and he is currently learning Jonah! He was able to tell the entire class last night the story of Jonah..places like Joppa, Tarsus, Nineveh, and even the memory verse Jonah 1:17. Love HIM!

*Mr. Inquisitive was not happy with our answer the other night regarding where the Lady's daddy and mommy was (Lady and the Tramp) so he leaned over to my stomach and said “Emmy where is that puppy dogs mommy and daddy? He looked at us and said “Emmy told me!HA!”

How many faces can one little boy have while eating his favorite soup…LOTS! Broccoli and Cheese! He may not eat great all the time, but he has always loved some broccoli and cheese soup! He looks so BIG!

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Eating ice-cream after you have eaten such a great supper is SO much fun! Love me some Jason’s Deli! (and Davis, of course!)

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Today was PJ day at mommy and me Monday and d rocked his fire engine and police officer pajamas! He was pretty sad I had to put real clothes on to teach spin class, but don’t worry this mommy changed right back to her pj’s after class! Love my little man has such a sweet group to play, sing, run and explore with! jan 012jan 020jan 022jan 023


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