Thursday, January 19, 2012

My little man, the entertainer, the jokester, Davis Walker Dow

Yesterday we stayed home ALL DAY! We only left to go to Bible Class and we had so much FUN! Mommy got lots done, got a workout in, and spent quality time with my little man! The first thing on D’s list to do was paint! He wanted to paint in his undies (strange little boy!) so we did!

jan 001jan 003jan 004jan 006

jan 007He had to shay cheese out of the hole in the paper!

jan 005Next, he chose stickers! We covered this paper in stickers and had so much fun spelling out my name, his name, daddy’s name and emmy’s name. This kid loves letters and can recognize tons of them (when it’s his idea!).

jan 008jan 009jan 010Play dough was next and D decided to make food for a birthday party. The party was for daddy but since he wasn’t home it was all pretend. Did I tell you I love this age! HE pretends EVERYTHING! We made cake, crackers, nuts, soup, cupcakes and raisins! What a combination, but they were all his idea so we went with it! Pops’ toy box came in very handy for our buffet table! We both ate till we were content and then had some real lunch!

jan 011jan 012jan 013

I am so blessed to be able to stay at home and make such wonderful memories with my buddy. Thanking God daily for my blessings, both BIG and small! Treasuring each moment spent as mommy and D before little sissy arrives! 

Davis has came up with MANY nicknames for Emerson as we get closer and closer to meeting her, thought I would share with you!


Sissy Oneita

Peanut head

Emmy Sissy

Sissy Emmy

and some days he pretends there are two sisters in my belly and he will call one Emmy and one sissy! Oh dear!

I will end with Some Funnies:

Yesterday we were cooking and I said now we have to squeeze the spinach to get all the water out and he looked at me and said “Are you serious mommy? That’s silly!” He then referred to me as “spinach hands”!

While cleaning out stuff for Emmy he found a breast milk storage container and looked at it and said, “Mommy you need to pee in this?” Funny how it looks remarkably similar to the urine specimen cup at the OB!

While bathing he laid down in the tub and got his back/hair wet. He looked at me and said “
Mommy that is how John did it in the bible to Jesus!” Love he is learning and remembering so much about our savior!

(previously posted on FB, but I have to record for his book!)

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