Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The things Davis says..

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*The other night we were “night nighting” Davis and he told his daddy “you are in my spot daddy, now move over!” This little one knows what he wants and how he wants it!

*With my ever growing belly, I get all kinds of interesting comments from Davis about the baby: “mommy’s belly is getting bigger!” Yes d that is because Emmy is growing! “Oh!” He points and to my belly button and says “Hi emmy-o” and then listens. “She said hi davis walker dow!”

*His favorite saying at Christmas was “who bought this for me” and right after you would tell him he would go “oh and they bought it at?” Very curios about where everyone, including hoho did their shopping!”

*He always does everything “on accident” He will say “Sorry mommy. I did that on accident, it’s okay!”

*One afternoon I came in from doing some PRN at the nursing home and I said D where is daddy. “He said he is in bed watching something!” Oh I thought he was suppose to be watching you! HA!

*Davis has been sick the last few days and last night his daddy was putting new sheets on the bed and I was resting on the couch. He came in the living room and said “My daddy said I could sit with my mommy on the couch for a little bit.” I said are you sure and he stated “yes mommy, my daddy said!” I told him I needed another hug then and he said “Mommy I just gave you one!” Little stinker had too many hugs! HA!

*Davis LOVES his blanket, and puppies when he sleeps and sometimes he will wag them around because he says “they are crying and sad and they just need me!” How do you say no to that?

*Not sure if it is a ploy to get us back in his room or what but last night d called his daddy back in his room after leaving him to go to sleep saying “I need you to sing me a song, one about Jesus!” LOVE! HIM!

*After being sick D said, “Mommy I’m sorry I did it on accident.” I told him it was ok and then he said “Now clean up my mess and then lay down with me for a minute!” No trouble with the bossiness even when sick, not sure who he reminds me of…

*We pass my Skilled Nursing Facility pretty much every time we go anywhere and sometimes he will pass it and say nothing one particular day he said “mommy you work there?” I said yes. He said, “Oh, you love old people?” I said yes buddy I sure do!

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just singing in the car on the way to church! (with mommy’s glasses!)

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