Sunday, January 8, 2012

Davis says the silliest things!! (weekend edition)

Today I walked upstairs after getting dressed for pm, worship and he said, “Mommy that dress is pretty. You bought it at?” Such the fashionista! Ha

In the middle of the Lord’s Supper Davis looked up at me and said “Mommy I want a cracker that reminds us of Jesus’ body!” We have been trying to teach him about the Lord’s Supper and well I guess he gets it in his own two year old way. Sad to say goldfish would not suffice. He wanted the white ones! Oh no!

Davis loves Wizard of Oz. He asks to watch it when he is sleepy or just wanting a snack/drink! He has picked up so many things from the movie. “Mommy I am todo. You are?”  “Mommy let’s follow the yellow brick road!” and so on…

I asked Davis for a hug this afternoon before his nap and he said, “Mommy you have to say please!”

He will say this to anyone who is not being nice (talking to loudly) “Mommy you be nice to daddy” or daddy be nice to me!” IT cracks me up, unless he is really in trouble and then it usually makes me calm down and resay what I was saying, but a little nicer or calmer anyway! Nothing like a little one humbling you!



This weekend we had to go exchange some things so lucky for D the mall and Chuckie Cheese connect so he got a brief visit to one of his favorite places. He was most excited about introducing Pawpaw to Chuckie Cheese so he loved it, despite how crowded it was! We had to get pictures with Chuckie and Meme and Pawpaw for proof that he took them to Chuckies!

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Playing games…we were so unlucky. WE left with 12 tickets! Oh well, we had fun and that is what counts, right?

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One thing D did that goes under his silly sayings for this week: Pawpaw bought D some tokens and I said look at them and tell them thanks. He looked straight in his cup and say thank you tokens! I said no D look at them and he brought his cup even closer and said “Thank you tokens!” I cracked up!!! Watch what you say, they just might do it!

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I hadn’t taken pictures with D and Emmy in a while and we decided since D was looking like a stud (thanks Mia and Pops for the suit) we would get a couple. D had other plans, he wanted lots of pictures with silly faces and boy did he have some fun!

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D was being so silly we could not get a normal picture, but this is so us.

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Loved every minute of my precious weekend with my boys. They are so precious to me and I am blessed beyond measure to be so loved by them! God sure knows what I need!

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