Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Story hour on a storm day

I planned for us to stay in all day and just be lazy, but Davis had other plans. He knows his days of the week and he knew when I told him today was Wednesday that there is story hour on Wednesday’s! I imagined not many would venture out on a cruddy day and I was right so he got some great story hour time with Mrs. Betsy! Today’s theme was the letter M and mittens. We read some great stories and even got to act one of them out. D was the mole and had to get in the mitten first..such a cute story..not sure of the name though! He loves the books, songs, craft, and even the snack! Check out some of our pictures from our morning!

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The parachute is also quite fun and entertaining!

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His little red mitten he made!

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Oh yeah too cute not to share:

Took D to the potty the other morning and he said “mommy my pee pee is standing up!” I said it’s ok buddy, it will just stand up for a minute! He stated, “ No mommy it stands up for a long time!” HAHA! LOVE. BOYS.




Never met a two year old so pumped about meeting his little sister. There was quite a bit of talk between Walker and I about how long/short of time we should put between our kiddos and D is reaffirming our decision every day. He understands so much and cannot wait for her to be here. He includes her in everything from what we are eating to our bedtime routine! He talks about how he has to listen the first time since Sissy is watching and about how he sleeps in a big boy bed because she needs the crib and how he wears undies all the time so sissy can wear diapers and how he will teach her how to swim and jump off the diving board and how he with teach her to take baths and play in the water…the list goes on and on! He knows she will be here after his birthday so he asks daily if it is March yet. He even loves talking to my stomach and then talking as if he is Emmy back to himself. This can be quite humorous if you pay close attention! I love my sweet little boy and cherish all of our wonderful memories as mother and son!

He keeps Walker and I on our toes because he constantly listens to what we are saying to each other and will either ask us what we are talking about, ask us if we are being nice to each other or comment on what we are talking about…quite a humbling experience at times! He is also asking a million and one questions and although it can be exhausting my mom in law reminds me he is just curious and has a strong desire to learn! Who knew it would be this tiring to have such a smart inquisitive little boy! ha!

We have been doing “school” for over a year now but more intently on numbers, colors, same, differences, opposites, etc for about six months and he is absorbing so much. I haven't really attached letters yet, because he knows so many on in own, but next week I hope to start intently looking at them with him because he is so enthralled with them and I hate to miss this opportunity! He will look at signs at not only tell me what they say (Target, Kroger, Wal-Mart, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, Toys r us, Chuckie name a few) but will tell me what letters are in them…AMAZING! He will also say things like Mommy there are two s’s on your shirt and there is one on my shirt!

Praying our sweet Emmy allows us to continue our learning and is laid back enough to either sleep while we get our time in or watch us and hopefully absorb it as well! Ha…wishful thinking I know! She is already quite an active little lady. She is used to her momma chasing after her little brother, teaching aerobics or just staying busy so when I ‘m still she lets me have it! She shows me how quickly she can move! She just might come out teaching aerobics too!

This turned into a mini journal entry but it’s moments like this that I never want to forget! I sure do love my babies and their daddy with all my heart!

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