Monday, January 16, 2012

Our Weekend

This weekend we made lots of memories and I took some pictures to help us remember it! Friday night we had a family date night and enjoyed some yummy Dumplings' food, visited with some friends and looked for a duck stamp so Walker could go hunting. Never found a stamp so unfortunately Walker did not get to go hunting, but nonetheless we had a great Saturday. Wyatt and Marley spent the better part of the day with us and let me tell you our day was anything but dull with three under three!

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Wyatt LOVED Davis’ new train table and literally would not let go of the train for anyone!

jan 002D and Marley enjoyed letting loose on the markers and chalk. What artists!

jan 003 D showing off his chalk fingers!

 jan 004jan 005jan 006jan 007 Silly boys!

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Snack time, which means The cat in the bat break!

jan 012jan 013jan 014jan 015 - Copyjan 016jan 017 They loved playing in the tent, especially Marley!

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Lunch time! Yummy they all ate so good and enjoyed some entertainment out the window as well. Walker and his dad cut trees down all morning so the kids loved watching the trees fall as they ate!

 jan 029jan 030jan 031jan 032jan 033jan 034jan 035jan 036jan 037Next, it was one of D’s favorite things…pretending he is sick! IT is amazing what he comes up with that hurts or needs to be fixed!



My six month picture! Baby Emmy is growing like a weed and we are getting  closer every day to meeting our precious baby girl!

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