Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stomach bug, more like stomach MONSTER!

Our last few days at the Wellington household have been pretty nasty. They have consisted of laundry, cleaning up puke and holding and taking care of a sick little man. It all started Sunday night as we were putting Davis to bed. We thought it may just be a fluke and he just ran and got hot after eating, but we soon found out it was something much more…the stomach monster! He was sick about every 30 minutes from 8:30pm to 5:30 am on Monday. To say the least none of us slept much and we had three loads of dirty towels and such from all his sickness. We slept about four different places trying to get him comfy and ended up starting our day at 8am..unusual here..usually 7! He was great all day Monday and being his normal silly self until 10:30 pm Monday. Wow it hit again and he threw up about 3 more times until there was nothing left. He slept pretty soundly with me..who didn’t sleep so soundly..and has had a pleasant day today. I am crossing my fingers we are all able to sleep in our own beds and no one is sick tonight..only time will tell! He keeps telling me he feels better and won’t get sick anymore, but I ‘m pretty sure it’s just a ploy to get out of the house!

Here are some pictures from him at Sunday pm services getting his Jonah genius award and performing the story of Jonah! He as did all the other kiddos did amazing! SO proud of how much they learned in a mere three weeks!


He was so proud of his award and treat, of course!

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The Jonah performance!

Like I said we have been at home lots the past two days and we have spent lots of time in the tub “getting rid of all the pukies” as D says. He LOVES his silly faces Mia! Thanks!

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