Saturday, January 28, 2012

Little monkeys with some pretty sweet monkeys!

Davis woke up Saturday morning ready to go see his little buddy. While eating breakfast I told him I needed to go get a shower and he asked me if I would be long cause he needed to go see his Colebear! Ha! I convinced him I could not go stinky, despite his request, and he decided he would play trucks while I got ready!

Thanks daddy!

We headed to meet the Butler's on Huntingdon and the entire way he kept asking if Cole had moved to Milan and when Cole could come to his house, etc. To say the least D was very excited about seeing his buddy! We got to the place a little early (even with driving under the speed limit and stopping to get gas!!) so we headed in for some fun monkey time before Cole arrived! He LOVED it!

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Cole arrived and it was so cute..Cole ran up to Davis and said Hi Davis! They got reacquainted really fast and speed into action! It was really hard to get decent pics or videos for that matter so please excuse the wild ones. Maybe Erin got some better ones!

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They LOVED this blowing thing that blew up balls to play baseball. Of course they didn’t use it for its intended purpose but nonetheless had great fun with it!

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The barn yard bouncer was pretty fun! D loved riding the animals and Cole thought the bail of hay was a cave so we spent lots of time at the barn!

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Holding hands and making a plan for which bouncer to go to next. D is a big hand holder and insisted they held hands! it took a little convincing on Cole’s part, but once they took off he didn’t care at all! Ready, set, sports bouncer!

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See, I told you the blower was a HUGE hit! D thought it was especially neat he could blow up his hair! He even asked MS Megan to see his silly hair!

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Tackle those inflatables. Seriously it was so hard to get pics so I am including these just because I think you are able to see how much fun they were having tackling the inflatables!

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Before we left we attempted a posed shot. I missed it. Here is our second attempt! Silly boys!

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Videos from our little monkey adventure!




Always enjoy sweet visits from our friends! Thanks so much for inviting us to spend some time with you Butler's! We enjoyed it and have talked about it the rest of the day! Love you!

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