Friday, January 27, 2012

You gotta love him

Davis got his hair  cut…FINALLY! His hair dresser is going on maternity leave so we knew it was now or never! He loved it..don’t you think?



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A couple of quick stories…

We were talking to D about going to school and telling him what all was involved with the school day when he looked at us and said “Hakuna Matata!” We both laughed and said you are right buddy when it is time you will be just fine, until then no worries! Nothing like a two year old keeping you on your toes!

I needed a quick shower today and so did D (we both got our hair cut) and we jumped in together. (something I said I was going to stop doing but…) things got funny fast…he peed on me four times because he could and because he said it was just a little bit mom AND he tried to hang his lufa on my boob..actually asked if it was a hanger..when I told him no he decided it was better to hang it on himself and I’ll give you one guess of where that one place was. he told me it was a blue peepee now! Remind me never again no matter what! HA!

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