Monday, October 1, 2012

blessed or noise…service

bible class this morning was very stimulating to my brain and encouraged me on several levels. first it encouraged me to develop a since of service in my son and daughter. I want them to not only see their mommy and daddy serve but I want them to do the same. I know at their ages they need to see us serve others, but I think they are never to young to begin. my goal for this week will be service with Davis. I hope to show him and ask him ways we can serve others when they are sick, to make them happy as well as ways we can serve god by serving people.

second, I relearned serving others doesn’t have to always include money. this also makes me think of the phrase that states my children don’t need you to buy them things they need you to spend time with them. so many people are ready and willing to lay down some money for others, I believe this is/can be easy when it comes to services, especially when you are blessed as most of us are today. what is difficult sacrificing precious time to share with others. this maybe visiting elderly folks, that have no one, playing with children so their mommy/daddy can enjoy a date or alone time, etc. I know my sweet babies will remember memories they make with us, and this does not have to involve anything of monetary value. lately, one of my sweet friends and neighbors has been spending time with Davis while I go run and I tell you she has become one of his best buds. he has a pet name for her..Jill baby, and has favorite activities that only she can do with him,. to him she is precious because she is here to serve him and he loves that! to me she is not only a servant for giving me a minute away but also a friend whom I love for being so unbelievably sweet to my children! friends like this will NEVER be forgotten!

we also touched on how blessed we are and how we could have just as easily ended up in another country, culture, family, etc. are we blessed with the amount of stuff, or is it just distractions/noise to keep us from our one true reason to live…for HIM? I have always seen it as a blessing, but now after much thought I am starting to see it as noise that keeps us from growing closer with our father.

father, may I serve you at all costs. if you call me to do something that may not be what I had in mind but it is your will may I be strong enough to choose you! may I create in my sweet children's hearts a mind for service, to you, to others, for your glory. humble me.  help me see there is so much more to life that what money can buy and the best things are not bought with money. remind me when I forget. pick me up when I fall flat on my face. help my life resemble you, ONLY you! keep the noise away from me and keep me busy with GOD things and not just good things. fill me, my heart and my soul with you. Only you can heal, take away sadness and bring happiness. god I also pray for complete oneness with you. I often look to others for this and I know right now you want me to have this with you and you alone. at times I miss my friends so badly, but I know you will bring them, good close godly friends once I surrender to you! I love you…..

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