Friday, October 19, 2012

Camping out…

The moment Davis has been waiting for…camping out in the backyard!!! Seriously it has taken way too long, but finally tonight was the perfect camping out night and Davis and Daddy are sweetly tucked into their sleeping bags and sleeping in the backyard, while I blog! YAY! And Emmy sleeps!

Setting up the camp..

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Davis was running around and so very excited!!!

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I mean really excited!!!

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He got binoculars for the site..haha

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and even took some time playing in the rocks because setting up camp “takes a while”

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posing in their home for the night…

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Emerson and I came out to say goodnight…look at her face…haha

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I think she wanted to stay…

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Daddy and his babies…

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I sure hope they sleep well, Emmy and I sure will! Warm and cozy in our own beds!!!

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