Monday, October 1, 2012

Mia comes to visit

We were surprised to hear Mia was able to come see us on a whim Thursday evening and couldn’t hardly stand waiting the four hours it took her to get here! WE sure are blessed to have the best Mia in the world. She always comes bearing special things for the babies, a sweet smile and plenty of time to play with the kiddos! We all had dates with here while she was here and were sad to tell her bye today!

Mia got ahold of Emmy first…that girl sure missed her Mia!

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Mia and her babies!

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Guess who is sitting up…she is getting so big so quick!

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Somebody is getting ready for Halloween…I will leave that for another day and another post…

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What a sweet and happy girl!

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Mia and Emmy

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Somebody is going to get some teeth soon…yummy fingers!

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Davis needs some pictures of his sweet sister too!

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Mia got this girl some new shoes..she had to check them out!

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Little miss E with her daddy…she loves him, just look at all those faces!

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