Monday, October 15, 2012

Who do you go for? TN VS. Mississippi STATE

We went to Mississippi this weekend to be a family divided for the big game. All trips are an adventure but this one sure did bring some memories home with us. Friday seemed to drag on and the kids and I were so ready for Walker to get off so we could head down the road. Before I show you all the pictures and videos I will recap our weekend because you make have too much fun looking at them to actually read my words! HA! Friday night ended with Davis puking in his sleep, seriously no recollection of it in the morning, Saturday the game didn’t even start till his bedtime and ended with him in a wreck with Meme and Pawpaw and his daddy, luckily no one was hurt. WE made some memories alright but were so excited to see Milan TN and our home!

We had our own sort of fun before we left…

seriously how cute can you get…

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Big brother is always the best entertainer. He called me in her room showing me how awesome he was at making Emerson laugh…pretty great I think! ITs just his foot he is bringing back and forth and she laughs so the videos, you wont be sad! Her laugh is so awesome!

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We finally set off and we made a pit stop in Saltillo to see some of our favorite people! The Hicks! Parker and Davis had a blast and it was fun catching up with some of our friends! Thanks for the rest stop guys!

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The boys got in a little baseball before we headed to Columbus!

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Our only group shot….

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We arrived! FINALLY! To say Davis was ready for the pool was an understatement! He sure did love splashing with his daddy! Me and Emmy had fun watching too!

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Swimming sure does make you hungry!! Yummy!

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Such a great big brother. Emerson is in full teething mode and he thought he would share in her misery…they teethed on this toy together!

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Already telling secrets…gonna be trouble!!!

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Did you think we only built tents at home…think again. Sweet lala playing in the tent with Davis!

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Getting ready for the big game…

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Somebody and their pups was ready the moment we left on Friday..sure was a long wait for him!

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Had to stop in pee in the bushes in Mississippi…

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Sweet TN girl!

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The sweetest TN fans I know!

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Daddy and his babies

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The family photo opp….


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Lala with her Emerson

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Lala with all her babies

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Going home face…

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I love my new teether LALA!

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Davis sure did enjoy his prize for being such a trooper at the game. HE was out till 2 am and was the best little man every, or so I heard! I was in bed and chilling with Emmy!

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We are home…look who snuck in my suitcase!!! I’ll keep her!

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While everyone else snoozed this girl was playing with her toys!!

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Davis was so glad to be home…we have fought fires all day…

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Emmy even got a treat..banana in her pacifier holder…shhh don’t tell the doctor!!

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Davis begged to get in Emerson’s bed and reenact their Friday showdown…I love how she gets his hair…payback!!

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Daddy got home…pure joy from these two when their daddy comes to see them everyday for lunch…they sure are lucky children! tn game 123tn game 125


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