Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Emerson is 5 months

I am not believing my baby is five months old. Time sure does fly when you have babies! Emerson is still practically perfect in every way!! She wears size three diapers, eats four times a day,naps three times a day, and sleeps approximately 12 hours at night. She is still only nursing and doing fabulous at it! She loves to see people she knows, be talked and sang to, but she is perfectly content even if nothing is going on. She is sitting up, however, she still has not mastered it. She loves to roll, but really doesn’t like being on her belly. She still sleeps swaddled and with a pacifier, however she is not attached to it and will use her thumb if it is not around. She loves her brother and adores his voice, his loudness and overall his presence. She cracks up out loud at him and does this so much that when she doesn’t it almost disappoints him! She is a very touchy, grabby baby and loves to have something in her hands at all times. She is “talking” and we sure do love her sweet little voice. She also has this grunt that can get really loud…Walker says we will miss it when she gets big, but I am not a fan! She is extremely ticklish and loves to stand and sit and watch her brother play. She is wearing 3-6 month clothing and filling them out quite generously! She can even wear a hair bow in all her hair. Watch out if you wear glasses because she will pull them off and she loves to grab hair! Emerson is truly a blessing and we are enjoying every minute with her!

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She sure does love anything that sings or lights up…

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sitting up like a big girl…

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But mom I can sit up now…well uh oh!

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Growing up sooo big!

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Look at these two..seriously they are a pair. They sure do love one another!

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I erased a ton, but couldn’t bear to erase anymore…what a stinker!!

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always eating her feet these days

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sweet girl and her momma

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watching her mobile

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