Monday, October 22, 2012

Church outside the walls

So Sunday Skyline did something amazing outside the the box and wonderful..we took church to those who can’t go and it was an amazing experience. Our small group did something in Jackson, but we decided living in Milan we should do a service thing HERE! So…Davis helped us decide to serve the firefighters. We took them breakfast Sunday morning and let me just tell you Davis might ask to go every Sunday morning now! They were so awesome to him and we had a great morning with them! “Jesus served more folks outside the temple walls,” right? It was a little weird being home so early and not being at the building but it led to great conversations with Davis and we were big fans of this service!

The kids and Daddy posing in the truck…and yes we took Emmy in her pjs!

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Davis and Emerson posing in the truck

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Davis and Daddy driving the truck…

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We love our firefighters!

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That evening we went to Meme and Pawpaw's for a fire and hayride! Look how excited my little man was….

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This one is from last weekend, but I had to include it…memories made in Mississippi at the TN/State game!


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