Saturday, October 27, 2012

Frannie, Charlotte and Mia come to visit…

I was so excited when Erin, my cousin, decided to make a trip to Milan to spend with us this week. My mom was able to ride with her and we were so glad to have more hands to help! We had a blast making memories with them and can’t wait till our next visit! We played a lot at home and the kids really did wonderful sharing and playing..they even took their naps together in Davis’ room and slept wonderfully! Them being here made me wish they were closer to us so they could play more, but we will take every visit we can get!

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sand table fun

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gotta love playing in rocks

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just hanging out in the crows nest!

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We spent lots of time on the jeep…

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Mia chased them, Erin chased them and I took photos…haha!

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Mia taking the kids for a bike trailer ride…

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Is lunch ready yet…

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Emerson and her baby…

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What we are just fighting fires…

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Emerson and Erin watching gymnastics fun!

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Water break…

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Davis really got the parallel bars at gymnastics and I was able to get a shot of it! HE did so well this week, accomplished some things he hasn’t been able to do yet!

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Mia holding the big children!!

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Daddy and his girl

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Getting ready to perform a song for us….

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Emerson says she loves her new teethers!

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hiding under the table…

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watching it rain..

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snuggle time while watching a show…

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Emerson playing with her bubba

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how sweet is this..everyone watching Barney…even pups! HA!

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Davis always needs a little Mia…all to himself!

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pretending to snooze with Walker…

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It turned winter on us on Saturday and we bundled the babies up and they played outside anyway…how sweet are they?

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Mia and her grandbabies…

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all the children…

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my little rock star…

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My sweet baby girl…and me

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Group Shot…

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