Friday, October 5, 2012

Davis is 3 1/2 years old

Whew, is it possible my little man is growing up…I believe so. He is such a blessing and seriously humbles me every day. He has so much love and compassion in his little body and he is quite possibly the best big brother EVER! He has really grown up since Emerson has arrived and he amazes with the ways he thinks everyday. We have been visiting a new church family lately and wow, I am telling you the questions that comes out of his little mouth are mind boggling. Sometimes all Walker and I can do is stare at one another. He thinks so BIG and asks some really tough questions.

For example,

I am a sheep and God is my shepherd..why am I a sheep and not another animal, why does god have to fight off the lions for me?

Why did those people die Jesus (kill)? did they have to go to time out? why were they mean to Jesus? What were their names?

He is able to babysit sissy now and he begs to do it daily. BTW, by this I mean he watches her in one room while I walk to another one! He loves talking to her and pretends she talks back to him. His most common phrases to her are..he you little precious, you are a cutie pie, I really love you, and I love my baby girl!

He loves trucks and trailers (shocker) and has recently obtained a new obsession with we build trucks with trailers! Wonder how long we will be in this truck phase and wonder how many trucks we will accumulate before the phase is over??

He pretty much eats the same as always…horribly picky! The only things he will eat are anything sweet, pizza, pasta, chicken nuggets, green beans, corn on the cob, watermelon, apples, grilled cheese (this is a new one!), anything shoved in a taco shell and grilled (as long as its not “too crunchy” (has too much in it!)). That’s it that is pretty much his exhausted list…sad but true. It is a sore subject around my house and I offer various things constantly and he refuses, throws a huge fight and just doesn’t eat. I cling to the hope that my brother gives me, he was once the very same way and now he is vegan..really?

He is pretty self sufficient when it comes to going to the bathroom, getting dressed, bathing, etc, but I must admit he will let you do it for him in a heartbeat. He has always loved to be taken care of and he will milk it as long as he can!!!

He loves to TALK. CONSTANTLY. When he is not talking he is usually thinking about what questions to ask, the statement you gave him to his question or he is putting things together like pieces of puzzle in his head. You can see it all over him, its crazy! We call him Mr. question or Mr. why. Whew!

Davis Walker, you are one of a kind. You are the most thoughtful, compassionate three year old I know. You amaze me with your love for others and your willingness to make sure every one is happy and taken care of. You have a deep and strong love for your family and constantly question why we all can’t be together…even those you only met a handful of times. You are one happy boy who lights up the room with your smile. It is contagious and not a day goes by that people don’t comment on your sweet smile and spirit. You bless your momma and daddy in more ways than you can even imagine. You don’t always make things easy but you sure do make them FUN! You wake up ready to play and conquer the world and go to bed thinking about what you can do tomorrow. Your prayers soften my heart and your imagination drives me crazy!! (crazy fun that is!!) I pray you will always be you. A lover of Christ first and others second. I know you will be a leader with your dynamic personality, love for others, smile and gently heart. Use it for good and give God the glory! I love you and you will always be my Davis Walker Dow Wellington!


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