Friday, October 19, 2012

The best Friday play date EVER

On a whim we headed to Memphis today for a quick visit with some of our best buddies! I got to go see about my foot (more on that story later!) and they boys got some major play time in. We ended up at McDonalds for lunch and the kids ate a great lunch, had a blast playing on the indoor playground and Erin and I were able to get in some much needed mommy conversation. To say I miss her is such an understatement…I mean I REALLY miss her! (Holding back the tears as I write this post miss her!!)

Emmy cashed out at the play area…look at those sweet feet…

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Sweet precious boys..friends for life!

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The boys loved the slide and loved cheesing when they came down…

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Up to no good, seriously aren't;t they the cutest?

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GROUP SHOT…HAHA Check out all of their faces…cracking me up…so much personality in each one

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And he is out…

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God thank you for friendships that pick up where you left off, for sweet kids who play without fussing and who truly love one another. May our kids always love each other but more importantly love and share you with one another. God bless Erin and I with friends in our separate towns that will encourage us and befriend our sweet kiddos. Thanks for keep our relationship strong and allowing us opportunities to see each other often!

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