Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A month of thanks…from Davis and I…a week at a time

1 Blessed to have a Father who loves me unconditionally, he picks me up no matter how many times I fall.

Davis: I’m thankful for my daddy, because he’s my best daddy ever!

2 Thankful for a loving, hard working, handsome and amazing husband and father to our babies, he makes me BETTER! 

Davis: I’m thankful for my mommy, because you’re the best mommy ever.

3 Thankful for my mom, always there no matter what and such a great example of selflessness.

Davis: I’m thankful for Rob, he’s the team!

4 Thankful for a dad that can fix practically anything and always be on call for me and my unhandy family!

Davis:I’m thankful for Lala, she’s my buddy.

5 Thankful to have a brother that no matter how far away is always a rock for me. He is amazing!

Davis:I’m thankful for Pops, he spends the night with me.

6 Thankful for a sweet sister that treats my kids as her own!

Davis:I’m thankful for Mia, she takes care of me.

7 Thankful to have a mother in law that will drop anything to come help my family!

Davis:I’m thankful for Meme, she’s my boss.

By the way all of Davis’ thankful comments are directly from his mouth, I cannot make this stuff up, I have a feeling it will only get better! HA!

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