Friday, November 2, 2012

Boo on US!

Happy Halloween! Poor Davis started Halloween with a nasty runny nose and by the end of the night he was miserable! So…we did not make trick or trunk and only went (by truck) to several sweet neighbors houses! Oh well, he was done trick or treating after the first house…he got Legos..and wanted to come home to play so bad he didn’t even care about getting more candy! My sweet boy would only take one piece from people when they told him to get some candy and they practically had to beg him to take more…love his heart! We got some shots once we got home with him and his fire dog since our trick or treating was so short!


Our sweet fire dog..Emerson!

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She sure loved messing with her mommy!

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Oh, Look what she found..her tail!

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Davis wore this when on his first Halloween and I had to see what she looked like in it, so….I think she is too cute!

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Davis the firefighter with a real live firefighter Mr. Matt!

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I just love my sweet fire babies!

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Wouldn’t believe he feels rotten here, would you?

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Woof, woof…she is a sweet fire dog!

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not sure which one she liked best, momma just liked playing dress up!

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A little comparison with my pumpkins…Davis was about a month and a half older on Halloween….Davis Walker Dow

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We had a mini devo on the chariot of fire, so Davis took on the task of drawing the chariot!

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Pumpkin Loving..with daddy

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and mommy

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Davis begged me to take her picture with her hair bow that he picked out..I think he is starting to like them! Isn’t she a doll?

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HA! Love it..Emerson on the left and Davis on the right….they look so different …at least I think so!

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