Wednesday, November 14, 2012

second week of thanks…

8 Thankful and blessed to be called mommy to two of the sweetest most precious babies in the world. God sure knew what he was doing when he gave me you two!

Davis: I am thankful for my pawpaw , he visits me!

9 I’m thankful for a sister in law that adores my kids, keeps me fashionable and loves me no matter what!

Davis: I am thankful for my bubba, he talks to me on the computer!

10 I am thankful for two wonderful brother in laws that jumped right into our family and will do ANYTHING for us!

Davis: I am thankful for my Stephanie, she sends me stuff in the mail.

11 Thankful for my brothers love, Stephanie. Anyone who makes that boy happy has my heart! I love you!

Davis: I am thankful for my Laura, I spend the night with her.

12 Thankful for friends miles away and near me. Those who go out of their way to make me better, serve my children, and love me unconditionally.

Davis: I am thankful for my Nick he’s my horse!

13.I’m blessed to have a father in law that loves and takes time with my kids… so much he takes one camping by all by himself. MEMORIES!!

Davis: I am thankful for my Jill baby, she is my best buddy, she plays with me while you run!

14 Thankful for my house…it gives me shelter and keeps me and others save in storms.. Storm closest rock! (Calms my little man to know he has a safe haven during a storm! )

Davis: I am thankful for my Matt, he loves me!

It’s fall ya’ll and we have the leaves to have some major FUN!


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Davis drew all the things that makes him happy…blessed!

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My sweet boy is so smart, look at that writing!


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