Sunday, November 11, 2012

Davis and Mommy go on a date…

Saturday Davis and I ran some errands and called it date day for us. We had a blast, got some Christmas shopping done, met Lala and Meme for lunch and played at Toys r us and Chuckie Cheese and went to a birthday party..whew that’s what I call a date!

How excited is this boy for getting to come to Chuckie Cheese for no reason at all except for we needed to spend some time somewhere before the mall opened up!

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He had lots to say while driving the bus…

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I guess he has grown up since the last visit..he loved Chuckie and could not stop telling him about himself. “Chuckie, I have a little sister at home, her name is Emmy. I was a fire fighter for Halloween and she was my fire dog……” Chuckie was very gracious and listened to all of D’s facts about himself, it could have been because we were the only ones in the place! WE got major tickets (300) since we were the first to arrive (you get all the tickets they leave after they practice on all the machines to make sure they work!!) and had lots of chuckie fun!

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Davis and I driving “like crazy people”

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Later we headed to a birthday party for two of his favorite little girls..Gabriella and Lilly! He had such a blast playing even if we only stayed a short time!


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Davis I look forward to moments like this with you. You are my sunshine and you keep me grounded and humble. Thanks for being your question asking, tender hearted, smiling self. I Love you!

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