Friday, November 2, 2012

Emerson is 6 months old

Happy half birthday to Emerson!

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Getting ready for our 6 month doctor visit!

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We are here..wonder how big we will be…

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The results are in…18lbs, 27inches long…all 90%! Oh yeah that’s my girl!

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We are so big we get to eat PEAS now! YUMMY!

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The many faces of Emmy O!

eating my bottom lip face

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my lala face…I am not smiling!

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my can’t you see I’m eating face!

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My sweet precious Emmy face…

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Our sweet girl is full of sugar and so loving! Oh she melts are hearts and runs our cups over with love!

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My baby sure is a happy baby!

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She sure does love eating her feet!

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Classic shots with her brother…my babies are getting way too big!

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These two are too sweet for words! They adore one another, I pray this relationship gets stronger and stronger!

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Some shots of Davis at 6 months…he was 27 1/2 inches and 20 lbs 8 oz…..both have some sweet chubby cheeks, but Emmy sure has him on the hair!

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Emerson is growing so much! She now can eat cereal and baby food so I’m sure she will continue to grow healthy and strong! We are praying for her ears to stay healthy too…hoping she doesn’t follow they path of ear issues like her big brother! So far she is taking to it quite easily and without any issues…I’;m sure next month we will know more about her eating habits!  She sleeps 10-12 hours at night, takes 3 naps, nurses four times a day and is overwhelming happy and content! She sits up so well now and is really trying to crawl. I am not rushing it, so I pick her up a lot when she attempts to crawl, not ready for my baby to be mobile just yet!! HA! She still adores her big brother and her favorite pastime is watching him play! She is going to be like her day in many ways…she loves the TV, she loves to “chill” and is so content and easy going! She knows her momma, daddy and brother for sure and her face lights up when she sees either of us walk in the room! She has a very happy disposition and she will smile whenever people sing to her, especially Jesus loves me!  I’m in denial that she is getting so big and that she is already six months old so it is really hard for me to write this post because I want her to stay little forever!

God, thank you for the blessing of children. Allow them to humble us every day and in every way! Keep them healthy and strong and workers for you and your kingdom. Allow them to see Jesus in Walker and I so they develop a relationship with you and desire to know more about you. Pick them up when they fall and give them courage to keep fighting for you. Bless Emerson with friends that love you, a future husband that treats her as Christ treats his bride and a life of servant hood!

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